woman using CBD products

Unfortunately, the market today is flooded with CBD products. While many are excellent formulations from very reputable vendors, many products are of questionable quality. Here are some tips for how consumers can locate truth within the product packaging to ensure you choose a quality product:

  • Make sure the amount of CBD in the bottle (in mg) is clearly displayed on the package or bottle.
  • Make sure the total volume of CBD oil is clearly printed on the bottle.
  • Determine whether the CBD is cannabis or hemp-derived. Also determine where the hemp is grown, and whether it is grown by a state-regulated supplier.
  • Make sure to determine whether the hemp is organic or non-organic.
  • Determine the reputation of the company and ensure the cleanliness of the product.
  • The extraction method used to separate the CBD from the hemp plant should be plainly labeled; common extraction methods are ethanol, butane, and CO2. The CO2 extraction method is generally regarded as the “cleanest” method and the one that preserves the greatest quantity of cannabinoids.

Got questions? Or, looking for personal recommendations and advice? Email the CannaBoss Lady herself, at jill [at] thecannabosslady [dot] com.