Moon ritual is a chance to look inward, grow

Originally shared in the Essex Daily News:

MAPLEWOOD, NJ — The moon was full, pink and in Libra; the perfect time to look inward and reflect.

That’s what Jill Cohen, owner of Elevated by the Cannaboss Lady dispensary, told the dozen women who gathered for a full moon ritual on Thursday, April 6.

“It is the first full moon of Spring, just after the equinox,” Cohen said, before describing crystals used to create a ceremonial experience. “We have the moon stone to transition into an intuitive mind and be more aware of our emotions, selenite removes negativity and gives you permission to go inward. Rose quartz for love, harmony, balance and unconditional love.”

After discussing the meaning of the event, Cohen led a reading.
“A moon circle is a sisterhood of like-minded women joining forces and effort to embrace their divine truth and share in healing and transformation,” Cohen said. “Together we create a warm and inviting environment that allows us to journey into the depths of our core and let our spirits free. Here, there is no judgment but rather an empowering experience to connect within ourselves and each other on a deeper level.”

Cohen also discussed the importance of building a community that uplifts and supports one another, which she has created for herself and others through this monthly ritual.
“It is an honor to be a part of a sacred sisterhood that embraces without unwavering love as we heal and rise together,” Cohen said.

Cohen then explained how her readings are inspired by the works and words of holistic healers and astrologists that she has studied and researched throughout the years.
“My readings are a compilation of work from astrologists and healers,” Cohen said. “The pink moon is a nod to the bountiful blooming flowers and trees that the weather brings,” Cohen said. “The pink moon gets its name from a hot pink wildflower called ‘phlox subulata’ that grows in a thick mat of vibrant foliage commonly referred to as ‘creeping phlox’, or pink moss.”

The ritual became a time of reflection for those in attendance.
“This moon is to review our relationships with others and decide if they are limiting or supporting us,” Cohen said. “It is a time to encourage others to find their life’s journey and determine how to walk our individual paths together.”

The ritual was also an opportunity to let go of past harms, bad behaviors and individuals who do not benefit you for those attending.

“In order for everyone to feel that their mission is honored, supported and respected, there needs to be compromise, conscious listening and a willingness to let go,” Cohen said. We take on other people’s energy, emotions and thoughts when we are around them because energy is contagious. When we allow others to affect our energy, emotions and thoughts, we lose control of our peace.”

Sasha Greer discussed how your relationship with yourself influences the people you attract and the relationships that you develop with them.

“The relationship that you have with yourself determines the relationships that you have with everyone else around you,” Greer said. “We invite others to love and treat us the exact same way that we treat ourselves. If we are not honoring how we feel or being patient and compassionate with ourselves, there is no way that we can give grace to others.”

Greer also discussed the power of self-autonomy and the need to assess where you are in life and who you are affecting with your path in life.
“Instead of blaming someone else and giving your power away, you take your power back when you ask yourself where am I in my own way,” Greer said.

After the reading and preparation for the ritual was completed, Greer led the group in a cleansing meditation using Tibetan sound bowls. After the meditation completed, Cohen led the group in a journaling session by asking the attendants four questions to reflect on.

“The first question is what are things that you need to accept about yourself to receive love?” Cohen said. “The second question is what does a healthy relationship look like to you? The third question is what are things that emotionally trigger you? The last question is what helps you set and uphold clear boundaries?”

After the full moon ritual was completed, attendants had the option to have either a solo guided reiki meditation led by Greer, a tarot card reading led by guest Alexandra Drouhet, or both.

Read the original article in Essex Daily News:

Dispensary Coming in Spring 2023

The Village Green reports:

As TheCannaBossLady boutique celebrates Women’s History month, it is proud to announce its expansion, Elevated by TheCannaBossLady Dispensary, coming in late Spring 2023. The new venture will be the first solely woman-owned cannabis business in Maplewood, awarded a retail license by New Jersey on Feb 6, 2023 and endorsed by the township last April. Elevated will offer consumers a luxury dispensary experience that will feature craft cannabis, located adjacent to the current CBD shop on 9 Highland Place in downtown Maplewood, NJ. Founder and owner Jill Cohen is a pioneer who has been committed to the cannabis industry for more than 20 years.

For decades, Ms. Cohen researched and became an authority on the medicinal power of the hemp plant, and on a personal level, it helped her heal from an abusive childhood. In 2019, she began selling CBD as a brand ambassador for TribeTokes and Potency no. 710, before she opened her CBD boutique in 2021. Ms. Cohen made it her mission to meet with activists and other entrepreneurs in New York and New Jersey to advocate for cannabis legalization. She is among a group of pioneers who are opening cannabis businesses in New Jersey that are independently owned.

“I am thrilled to be expanding my business and offering a new destination for New Jersey residents to discover the best craft cannabis that New Jersey has to offer. Elevated is going to be a plush, welcoming environment that offers a higher level of wellness. In addition, I will continue supporting the community through social equity events that explain how to expunge your cannabis records. Health-focused events like my menopause series and women empowerment events like my full moon rituals and boss lady brunches will also continue,” shared Jill Cohen, founder and owner of Elevated by TheCannaBossLady Dispensary.

Elevated will feature craft cannabis from local cultivators like the brand Miss Grass and luxury products from My Bud Vase, Puffco. and Her Highness NYC, to name a few.

Read the full article on »

4/6: Full Moon Ritual with CannaBoss Lady & Intuitive Healers

April 6 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm | $30.00

As the Full Moon of April 6th, 2023 rises in Libra, we are prompted to make room for emotions that bring joy and rid ourselves of energies that don’t nourish us. The Full Moon in Libra brings us home to ourselves. It teaches us to cultivate tools that restore our calm when life feels imbalanced. Once we feel peace within, we can truly empathize with another. Find time to connect with those around you and share in your feelings, finding inner harmony together.

Let’s take this incredible opportunity to align with the universe’s rhythm and make space to celebrate a magical Full Moon!

Join us in a guided reiki meditation & Tibetan sound bowls. Mini Tarot readings

Cleansing with crystals, candles, and sage smudge. CBD products for sale.

Enjoy CBD beverages and light bites.

To be green, please bring your own water bottle.

Bring a blanket/Yoga mat, Journal, and Crystals (if you have them).

Please RSVP by April 1st. You must be pre-registered to attend the event. No walk-ins!  Women Only.

The event will be held at a location near CannaBoss Lady shop in Maplewood Village. The location will be revealed 2 days before the event to registered guests only.
