'EmeraldLIVE: Hemp Revolution' event flyer featuring Sheril Murray Powell, Morris Beegle, and Cait Curley on February 16, 2021 at 5p

The fact is, hemp is finally legal to farm again in the United States after being prohibited and stigmatized for over 80 years through false information and propaganda. This has created a wave of excitement across all facets of the evolving supply chain in regard to business development, innovation, sales, and marketing. Now that hemp is legal, the regulatory structure of the industry still needs to be clearly defined— this has brought both chaos and confusion, plus understanding and opportunity — all creating something genuine that benefits farmers, local communities, the environment, and humanity on a whole. Our political system is significantly fractured, to say the least.

'EmeraldLIVE: Hemp Revolution' event flyer featuring Sheril Murray Powell, Morris Beegle, and Cait Curley on February 16, 2021 at 5p

With both Republicans and Democrats agreeing to support the reintroduction of hemp back into American agriculture, hemp has been a bright shiny anomaly in the midst of political division and partisanship. Watching this plant bring both sides together feels a bit surreal, but at the same time rather revolutionary. Whether in terms of immediate crisis, such as a pandemic, or long-term drum beating, one thing continues to be apparent and that is nothing seems to shut down the momentum of the Hemp Revolution. Maybe slow down, maybe realign path and direction, but there is no shutting it down outside of human extinction. Welcome to the hemp revolution!

@procannabismedia @theemeraldmagazine @thecannabosslady

@LastPrisonerProject @NORML @supernova @cait_curley

@nocohempexpo @scherilmurraypowel @zoewilder

Cait Curley is, Entrepreneur, Artist, Activist, Educator, Entrepreneur, social media influencer, marketing specialist, and content creator with a passion for all things hemp and cannabis.
Morris Beegle, Co-Founder & President of WAFBA (We Are For Better Alternatives)
Leading cannabis/hemp advocate and entrepreneur

Scheril Murray Powell
Cannabis, Agricultural, and Dietary Supplement Attorney